Helix Core — version control from Perforce — offers plugins and integrations for everyone on your team. Developers, designers, and third-party contributors can use the tools they love. And you can still maintain a single source of truth across teams.




Full Video Transcript 

The Perforce Helix Plugin for Graphical Tools (P4GT) lets designers perform essential versioning tasks from within their favorite graphical tools.

In this video, we’ll show you how to use P4GT with Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud on Windows 10.

First, I’ll demonstrate how to check-in a file to the Helix Core server so that it can be versioned and accessed by other designers.

I have been working on this psd file and am now ready to check it in. Before checking it in, I need to ensure the file is in my workspace.

A workspace is simply a folder that the Perforce administrator has set up to store a subset of the files from the Helix Core server. Rather than accessing all of the files from the server, which could be terabytes of files, a workspace is a great way to store and access only the files that are relevant to you.

To get the file into the workspace, I can either move it directly into the workspace directory or Save As to my workspace directory from Photoshop or another application.

For this demo, I will open the file and save it to the workspace folder on my desktop.

Now, to move this file into Helix Core, I will access the P4GT menu by going to File>Automate>P4Photoshop. The floating menu will appear. I click “Perforce” to see the P4GT options.

I Choose “Add to Perforce”.

A Confirmation of my Add appears. I just click OK.

Next, I’m prompted to “Check-In” the new file.

If I Choose “Cancel”, this file will still be Marked for Add, which means I can continue to modify this file, and it will be submitted to the server when I check-in other files.

Let’s choose OK. I add a description and click “Submit”.

A confirmation of my Check-In appears. My file is now versioned in the Helix Core server, and other users may access the file and make changes to it.

Now let’s open, modify, and save a new version of a file on the server.

The “Get Latest Revision from Perforce” menu option lets us browse server files that we have permissions to access.

I can Check-out the selected file. This puts a copy of the latest version into my workspace and I can modify the file.

P4GT asks if I want to check-out the file.

It then asks me to confirm.

After a confirmation of the check-out, it will also ask if I want to lock the file to prevent others from modifying it while I have it checked out. This is a best practice, so I click Yes.

I’m going to change this stripe on the robot from Violet to a light Green.

After I modify the file, I go to the Perforce menu.

Now, I can check-in the file. I add a description of my changes. A confirmation will appear. After check-in, those files will automatically be unlocked.

We hope you found this brief tutorial beneficial and understand how to use P4GT to maintain a single source of truth across your graphical files. If you have any specific technical questions, please contact [email protected]

Course - Versioning for Designers and Game Developers