The market for electric and autonomous vehicles has been steadily growing, and electric vehicles are predicted to become the dominant vehicle on the road within the next 10 years.

Due to necessary interactions between the vehicle and the outside world, there are increasing security requirements in automotive software development.  However, vehicles still need to be safe and that must always be the primary consideration. To achieve the dual requirements of safety and security, vehicle manufacturers will need to modify or enhance their development processes and address the challenges.

Our automotive software development expert will discuss:

  • How to achieve the requirements in automotive safety and security.
  • How vehicle manufacturers need to modify or enhance their development processes for electric and autonomous vehicles.
  • What are the challenges in developing electric and autonomous vehicles.
  • What are the benefits of ISO 26262, SOTIF, and ISO 21434.
  • What are the best DevOps tools and practices.

One of the easiest ways to produce automotive software is to use a static code analysis tool, like Helix QAC. If you would like to experience first-hand the difference that an industry-leading tool, like Helix QAC, can have on your software, register for a free trial today.

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Jill Britton

Technical Support Manager, Helix QAC

Jill has in-depth knowledge of design, development, and quality processes. She is especially interested in coding standards and software metrics. At Perforce, she leads a world-wide group of high-capability technical consultants in delivering added-value products and services to customers. Jill holds a Masters degree in Computer Science from Brunel University and a BSc from University of Newcastle upon Tyne. She is a Chartered Engineer.

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