P4Merge — Change You Can See

P4Merge tracks and compares the effects of past and pending work for branches and individual files. You can even use it to resolve conflicts (especially with Git).

Developers & Designers Love P4Merge

Discover why it's the best diff tool & code merge tool all-in-one.

Visualize Your Merges

See the differences between file versions and easily resolve conflicts with P4Merge. You can:

  • Highlight and edit text file differences.
  • Choose to include or ignore line endings/white spaces.
  • Recognize line-ending conventions for Windows, Mac, and Unix.
  • Display line numbers when comparing and merging files.

Reveal History

Need to know what changed during a certain time frame? Folder Diff reveals history between any two points in time. Use it to:

  • See what code needs to be resolved in pending merges.
  • Exclude files that are modified, unique, or unchanged.
  • Filter files by name or extension.
  • Organize modified assets in familiar file/folder hierarchy.

Compare Images

Overlay two images to easily isolate pixel-level changes. You can also:

  • Compare JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, and other file formats.
  • Extend using the Qt API.
  • Overlap images or display side-by-side to view changes.
  • Highlight differences on overlaid images.

Download the Best Visual Diff Tool & Merge Tool

Everyone on your team can get more done with P4Merge. Visually track file-level changes and more.

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