What the Best Requirements Management Tool Should Give You

Let's face it. Using Microsoft Word and Excel to manage and communicate requirements just isn't cutting it anymore. That's why you need a requirements management tool.

With Helix RM, you'll be able to:

  • Capture requirements.
  • Perform requirements reviews. 
  • Know what requirements are approved. 
  • Stay aware of requirements change. 

You can use Helix RM on its own, or as part of the Helix ALM suite. You can even use Helix RM alongside Jira

Track Requirements


Review Requirements

Decompose Requirements


Communicate With Stakeholders


Connect Requirements to Tests

Prioritize Requirements

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The Best Requirements Management Software Gives You The Power To:

Centralize Requirements

Break free of single-owner constraints. Microsoft Office applications silo software requirements — and make it difficult to keep everyone on the same page. 

With the Helix RM requirements management tool, everyone can work on the most recent, up-to-date requirements. You'll be able to organize (and reorganize) their hierarchy in real-time. 

Reuse Requirements

You shouldn't need to create new requirements for every project. 

With Helix RM, you can reuse requirements. You'll reduce validation time and ensure consistency across projects. 

Decompose Requirements

It's not always easy to translate business requirements into software requirements. 

Unless you have a requirements management tool. Helix RM helps you decompose marketing requirements into product requirements, system specifications, and functional requirements. 

Why You Need Requirements Traceability

Why You Need Requirements Traceability Tools

Track and Trace Requirements

Tracking requirements and tracing them through the application lifecycle is easy with Helix RM.

That's because you'll be able to link requirements to:

  • Other requirements.
  • Test cases and test results.
  • Source code.
  • And more.

Plus, Helix RM creates a requirements traceability matrix for you. That frees you up to focus on the important stuff, like test coverage analysis and root cause analysis. 

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How to Do an Impact Analysis

Doing an impact analysis helps you effectively manage requirements.

How will you know what will happen if a requirement changes? Do an impact analysis

Impact analysis helps you understand the impact of requirement change on related requirements (and test cases). This is especially valuable for managing your development schedule and maintaining product quality. 

With Helix RM, doing an impact analysis is easy. That's because you'll be tracking requirements and linking them with other development artifacts. When a requirement changes, you'll know exactly which items need to be reviewed.

That means you'll have minimal risk and meet your requirements — every time. 

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Who Collaborates on Requirements?

Communication Is Key to Requirements Management

So, share requirements with everyone who needs to be in the know.

Collaborate on Requirements

Helix RM makes it easy for everyone — from business analysts to engineers to QA managers — to collaborate on requirement reviews. 

Stakeholders can comment in real-time. You can even export requirements documents to Microsoft Word for customers or stakeholders who don't have Helix RM.

Because everyone will be working from the latest version of requirements, you'll have fewer surprises — and less rework. 

Get Approval on Requirements

Reach consensus. Know who has reviewed requirements. And find out who you are waiting on. Helix RM keeps communication flowing and helps you get approval faster.

Best Requirements Management Tool for Jira

Are you tracking bugs and managing tasks in Jira? Great — you can keep using Jira (and get more out of it) by adding a requirements management tool. (Because, let's face it, using Jira for requirements doesn't work.)

Helix RM seamlessly integrates with Jira. That means you’ll be able to link requirements to Jira issues — and vice versa. No matter which tool you’re in, you’ll be able to see the status of your requirements and issues.

Add RM to Jira

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Try the Best Requirements Management Software

It's time to take control over your requirements. Try Helix RM free for 30 days. You'll see for yourself how easy it can be to gather, share, and manage requirements — throughout the development lifecycle. 

Check It Out

See Helix RM in action by signing up for a live demo of our full Helix ALM suite.

Get in Touch

Have questions about managing requirements with Helix RM? We're here to help!