Download Information

Explore the Helix ALM add-ons listing below and find the right add-ons for you. (And make sure you have Helix ALM installed first.)

Microsoft Word Export Templates

These templates are for exporting Helix ALM items to Microsoft Word. They control the information exported and formatting of the resulting document. They are intended for use with the Traditional Template and Scrum Template sample projects.

You may be able to use the export templates in your own projects, but you likely need to modify them or use them as a starting point to create new templates.


Helix ALM Slack Integration

The Helix ALM Slack integration lets teams collaborate in Slack about Helix ALM items. Before using the integration, an administrative or other user with high-level security permissions needs to install and configure the integration.

Add the Helix ALM app to Slack

The Helix ALM Slack Bot handles communication between Helix ALM and Slack when the applications are integrated. If you already have the integration installed, you may need to upgrade the bot to take advantage of new features and bug fixes.

Helix ALM Slack Bot

Upgrade instructions


Triggers for Attaching Helix Versioning Engine Changelists to Helix ALM

This script is required for configuring Helix Versioning Engine triggers that allow attaching changelists to Helix ALM items from Helix VCS clients. See the Helix ALM help for installation and configuration information.

Helix ALM Native Database Backup Utility

The Helix ALM Native Database Backup Command Line Utility enables you to easily back up Helix ALM 2012 and later native project databases. Read the release notes to learn what's new in the latest version.

Backup Utility Guide

Helix ALM TFS Plugin

Helix ALM supports one-way integration with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) to allow users to attach TFS files and changesets to Helix ALM items at check in.

Helix ALM TFS Installation Instructions

Helix ALM Matrix Report Publisher

This utility breaks a large Helix ALM matrix report into a set of smaller HTML files that can then be viewed and archived. User defined options let you specify the maximum size of the HTML files.

Helix ALM Matrix Report Publisher

This utility only works on Windows and with Helix ALM 2013 and later. It uses the SOAP SDK to generate the Helix ALM matrix report.

External Reporting Plugins

External reporting with third-party tools, such as SQL Server or Crystal Reports, allows you to create reports on any Helix ALM data, gives you more flexibility and control of report content and layout, and offers more output format options.

Helix ALM ERDs
SQL Server Reporting Plugin

Spell Check Dictionaries

The following spell check dictionaries can be downloaded for use with Helix ALM.

Danish: Windows | Mac and Linux
Dutch: Windows | Mac and Linux
Finnish: Windows | Mac and Linux
French (Canadian): Windows | Mac and Linux
German: WindowsMac and Linux
Italian: Windows | Mac and Linux
Medical (British English): Windows | Mac and Linux
Medical (U.S. English): Windows | Mac and Linux
Norwegian: Windows | Mac and Linux
Portuguese: Windows | Mac and Linux
Spanish: Windows | Mac and Linux
Swedish: Windows | Mac and Linux

Installation Instructions
  1. Download and uncompress the file.
  2. Copy and paste the files that in .tlx and .clx into the lexicons directory located in the Helix ALM Server program files directory.
  3. If you are using the cross-platform client you must also copy the .tlx and .clx files into the lexicons directory located in the Helix ALM Client application directory.
  4. Stop and restart the Helix ALM Server. If you use Helix ALM's Web client it may take the Helix ALM Server approximately 10 minutes to recognize the new dictionaries.
  5. From the Project Options and/or User Options, go to the Dictionary category and select the installed dictionary to use.