To build a future hit, AAA game development teams need to manage a complex environment. Making a game involves a lot of (big) files, many contributors, and millions of changes. The sheer number of branches associated can be overwhelming for any team.

That’s why 19 of the top 20 game development studios choose Helix Core –– version control from Perforce.

Take Sumo Digital. They use Helix Core to manage obstacles, visualize code, and integrate the tools they need. And they use Perforce Streams –– branching and merging in Helix Core –– to guide development and streamline their workflows.


Join Mark Washbrook and Tony Crowther from Sumo Digital, along with Chuck Gehman from Perforce, to learn:

  • Key version control challenges for AAA game development.
  • What is Perforce Streams?
  • How Sumo Digital uses Perforce Streams to integrate with Unreal.


Discover how your team can benefit from using Streams.