Spec depot

The spec depot is used to track changes to user-edited forms such as client workspace specifications, jobs, branch mappings, and so on. There can be only one spec depot per server. (If you already have a spec depot, attempting to create another one results in an error message.)

In order to retrieve change histories of user-edited forms, you must enable versioned specifications. After you have enabled versioned specs by creating the spec depot, all user-generated forms (such as client workspace specifications, jobs, branch mappings, and so on) are automatically archived as text files in the spec depot. Filenames within the spec depot are automatically generated by the server, and are represented in Helix server syntax as follows:


Some formtypes (for example, theprotect, triggers, and typemapforms) are unique to the server, and do not have corresponding objectnames. See Controlling which specs are versioned.


As of Release 2011.1, the first line of every saved form stored in the spec depot is a comment line that identifies the user who most recently changed the form:

# The form data below was edited by username