Auto cleanup and sync

This is an efficient option that cleans and syncs file revisions in the workspace. Extra (non versioned files) are removed, missing and modified files are re-added. This option is best for clean builds when the Perforce Helix Core server controls the files in the workspace.

Auto Cleanup and Sync

You can select a number of options:

  • REPLACE missing/modified files: Perforce checks out and overwrites any depot files that are either missing from the workspace, or have been modified locally.
  • DELETE generated files: Perforce deletes any local files that are not in the depot.
  • Sync with MODTIME for consistency check: Preserves the modification time of files during the sync operation.
  • QUIET Perforce messages: Enables the -q flag for all applicable Helix server operations. Summary details will still be displayed.
  • Clean up Review actions: Reverts open files in the pending changelist, but leaves the content in the workspace unchanged. Equivalent to p4 revert -k.
  • Pin build at Perforce Label: When a build is triggered by Polling, Build Now, or an external action, the workspace will only sync to the Perforce label in this field. Any other specified change or label will be ignored. Supports variable expansion, for example ${VAR}. If now is used, or a variable that expands to now, the latest change is used (within the scope of the workspace view). For more information about environment variables, see Variable Expansion.