P4GT for 3ds Max User Guide (2021.2)

Check files out of Perforce Helix server

To work on a file that has been checked into Perforce Helix server, you must check the file out. You can do this automatically or manually.

When you open a file that is checked into Helix server, you are prompted to check the file out. To check the file out at this time, click OK.

If you click Cancel, the file opens in read-only mode. You can edit this file, but you cannot save it (unless you use Save As and specify a different file name). To edit and save a file that is in Helix server, you must first check it out.

To check a file out of Perforce Helix server:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Select Perforce > Check Out.

By default, you are prompted to check files out after you open them. You can configure P4GT not to prompt by disabling the When opening a file, check out from Perforce option.

For troubleshooting help, see Troubleshooting: Checking files out. If you are working offline (without network access), see Working offline for details about checking out files offline.