P4GT for 3ds Max User Guide (2021.2)

Check files into Perforce Helix server

When you are finished working on a file that has been checked out of PerforceHelix server, you need to check it back in, to ensure that your changes are stored in the depot.

To check a file into Perforce Helix server:

  1. Select Perforce > Check in. The Submit dialog opens.
  2. In the Description field, enter in a brief description of the work you have done on the file. Note that you must enter something into this field before submitting.
  3. If prompted, choose the files that you want to check in. The file that you are working on is automatically selected.  
  4. If you want to check in your changes and immediately check the file out again (for example, to save a interim version), check Keep checked out.
  5. Click Submit.

You can change the status of Perforce Helix server jobs (which  track work to be done) when you submit a file. To close jobs using P4GT, you must either set a jobview or attach jobs to changelists. These tasks must be done outside of P4GT. Consult your Helix server administrator for details.

To discard changes:

To discard your changes and restore the version you checked out, select Perforce> Undo Add/Checkout.