IP leakage costs millions of dollars. As your network of design teams around the world increases — whether it’s due to an expanding workforce, acquisition of other companies, or consolidation into a larger enterprise — your risk of IP leakage grows.

As these teams collaborate across geographies, it is essential to track which parts of the design can be made visible to which users and locations around the world — ensuring that no sensitive IP is released across borders without a proper export license in place, or else face severe export violation fines.

Addressing IP Leakage

In this white paper, you'll learn how inadequate IP management can lead to IP leakage and how it can be addressed with:

  • Permissions management
  • Appropriate use model
  • Transparent IP hierarchies
  • Geofencing

Fill out the form to learn how to use a robust IP management platform like Methodics IPLM to prevent accidental IP leakage.