How Kanban Can Improve Your Game Development Workflow

Kanban is a visual technique for value delivery that, when done right, can translate to:

  • Improved cross-department collaboration
  • More features and assets
  • Far less chaos
  • Better games

But is your studio doing it properly?

Truthfully, implementing Kanban in your studio is not as simple as clearing a wall and unwrapping a package of sticky notes.

Whether you’re a Kanban pro or new to it, attend this webinar for an understanding of Kanban principles and more.

You’ll learn:

  • The core principles of successful Kanban.
  • 3 too-common Kanban mistakes and sources of waste.
  • Important metrics for better Kanban implementation.
  • Ways to increase the flow of value to your players.
  • PLUS, see examples of stellar board setups.

Try These Methods in Hansoft 10

Explore the new kanban boards in the latest version of Hansoft, the only Agile project management tool built by game devs, for game devs.

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