P4GT for Photoshop User Guide (2021.1)

Configure P4GT

To configure P4GT, select Helix Core > Options, configure settings as desired, and then click OK. You can configure the following settings.

Check In/Check Out tab

When adding a file to Perforce, check in immediately:

  • To automatically check in a file that you have just added to Helix server, select Always.
  • To disable automatic check-in, select Never. Files are not checked in until you select Perforce > Check In.
  • To display a "Check In?" prompt after you add a file, select Prompt.

When checking out a file, automatically lock it: When you lock a file, other users can check the file out, but cannot check it in until you unlock it, check it in, or revert it.

  • To lock files when you check them out, select Always.
  • To disable automatic locking, select Never.
  • To display a "Lock?" prompt, select Prompt.

When checking in a file: To list all checked-out files when you check a file in, select View other files in changelist. Selecting this option enables you to check in multiple files at a time.

Informational prompts: Enables you to configure the level of verbosity for P4GT. Select to display confirmation of successful operations (errors are always displayed, regardless of this setting).

Open/Close tab

When opening a file, check out from Perforce:

  • To automatically check out files when you open them, select Always.
  • To disable automatic check-out, select Never.
  • To display a "Check Out?" prompt, select Prompt.

When reopening a file after undo (reverting), check out from Perforce:

  • To automatically check out files when you reopen them after reverting, select Always.
  • To disable automatic check-out, select Never.
  • To display a "Check Out?" prompt, select Prompt.

When closing a file, check in to Perforce:

  • To automatically check in files when you close them, select Always.
  • To disable automatic check-in, select Never.
  • To display a "Check In?" prompt, select Prompt.

When opening a file, update external file references:  Automatically syncs the head revision of any external files referenced by the main file. If other users are working on files  that are referenced by your files, you can ensure that you always have the most recent version of their files by enabling this option.

  • To automatically sync any external files when you open a file, select Always.
  • To disable automatic syncing, select Never.
  • To display a "Sync?" prompt, select Prompt.

When closing a file, prompt to revert file from Perforce: This option lets you discard any changes you have made and restore the file from the depot to your workspace.


Most of these options can also be configured through the Do not show this dialog again checkbox that is displayed on dialogs in P4GT.