
A Helix server label is a set of tagged file revisions. For example, you might want to tag the file revisions that compose a particular release with the label release2.0.1. You can use labels to:

  • Keep track of all the file revisions contained in a particular release of software.
  • Distribute a particular set of file revisions to other users. For example, a standard configuration.
  • Populate a clean build workspace.
  • Specify a set of file revisions to be branched for development purposes.
  • Sync the revisions as a group to a client workspace.

Labels and changelist numbers differ:

Label Changelist

A label can refer to any set of file revisions.

If you need to refer to a group of file revisions from different points in time, use a label.

A changelist number refers to the contents of all the files in the depot at the time the changelist was submitted.

If there is a point in time at which the files are consistent for your purposes, use a changelist number.

You can change the contents of a label.

You cannot change the contents of a submitted changelist.

You can assign your own names to labels.

Helix server assigns each changelist number.

There are two types of labels: static and automatic. See Static versus automatic labels for a discussion of their differences.