A typical chip design project consists of many designers with a diverse mix of disciplines. Each works on a different aspect of the design with different flows — and generates large amounts of diverse data. A data management tool like Perforce Helix Core manages a substantial portion of this data, and is best used in tandem with an IP lifecycle management platform like Methodics IPLM.

With all these different roles and flows involved, there are some unique characteristics and challenges for hardware development projects:

  • Mixed assets
  • Large team sizes
  • Large file count
  • Long, involved flows
  • Massive workspace sizes

All these characteristics of the hardware designs require special consideration when working with a data management system like Helix Core.

In this white paper, you'll learn about:

  • Issues with the branch/merge flow in hardware designs.
  • Recommended workflow for hardware design teams.

Fill out the form to solve the unique challenges associated with many diverse sets of data generated during hardware design.